[image target=”_self” action=”fancybox” image_action_link=”http://” fancybox_group=”” width=”200″ show_border=”1″ align=”left” height=”200″ image_alt=”” link_title=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”30″ margin_bottom=”10″ margin_left=””]https://encounterchurchny.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/IMG_3687.jpg[/image]
As we reflect back just a few short weeks, it’s hard to believe that we’re already adding the finishing touches to the Lord’s house! God has entrusted us with a beautiful, historic building. It has been called a disaster place, impossible and it has been said that it would take years to fix. However, we all know that with God, nothing will be impossible (Luke 1:37 NKJV). This achievement, without question, is a testament to God’s power, for only He could have made this happen. So many pitched in to help, both church members and non members/believers (at least not yet!). Thank you to each and everyone of you, and above all, thank you God for such a blessing and the privilege to serve you!